Industrial Parks

Bilyna 15.0942 ha

Bilyna 15.0942 ha

Specialization and key industries:

  • To create an Industrial Park
  • To accommodate the construction, operation and maintenance of buildings and structures of energy generating enterprises, institutions and organisations
  • The total land area:

    15.0942 ha
  • Form of ownership:

  • Status:

  • Registration date:

  • Construction principle:

  • Availability of a newly built objects:


Location today


  • Paved roads for motor transport:

    There is a paved road and a dirt road. Both roads are 6 m wide
  • Highway:

    M05 "Kyiv-Odesa" - 56 km
    E584 "Poltava-Slobozia" - 43.7 km
  • Railway roads:

    Railway station "Balta" - 4 km
  • Sea port:

    Odesa Sea Port - 235 km
    Mykolaiv Sea Commercial Port – 279 km
    Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyi Morskyy Torhovelnyy Port – 262 km
  • Air connection:

    Odesa International Airport – 236 km
    Chisinau International Airport – 349 km
    Mykolaiv International Airport – 266 km

Participants, conditions and incentives:

Number of participants and other subjects – absent

Conditions for participants:

  • Sale (863810.87 UAH – the cost of the entire plot)
  • Lease based on the results of the auction

Local incentives:

  • Availability of updated urban planning documentation
  • Assistance from the city authorities in attracting investment
  • Land for the location of the enterprise can be provided within one month from the date of application
  • Proximity to the main engineering networks

If an industrial park is created, there will be additional benefits:

  • The minimum amount of land rent
  • Exemption from income tax for 10 years
  • Exemption from VAT on imports of new equipment (machinery) for own use
  • Exemption from import duty on new equipment (machinery)
  • Water supply

    To the point of water supply connection – 1.6 km
    Drilling a well is also possible.
    To the point of drainage connection – No data available

  • Natural gas supply

    To the existing gas pipeline - No data available
    To the existing gas distribution station - 4 km

  • Electricity supply

    To the power line – 0.1 km


The total area of the land plot: 15.0942 ha

  • Plot 1 - 6.1361 ha
    Cadastral number: 5120680800:01:001:0276
  • Plot 2 - 8.9581 ha
    Cadastral number: 5120680800:01:001:0277



Since the city authorities do not have their own vision for this land plot, the investor can develop any project. There is also the possibility of creating an industrial park, which will provide additional benefits and reduce the customs burden on the project. In addition, the community has a convenient transport and logistics infrastructure (railways, roads, warehouses), which is necessary to minimise transport costs.


Convenient geographical location and a large number of sunny days make it possible to build solar power plants, which will make this project more attractive due to the project's environmental focus. In addition, the availability of alternative energy makes it possible to use the generated energy for the needs of the enterprise, which reduces operating costs.

Ярослав Жаріков

Менеджер по роботі з клієнтами

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